Minecraft BoxPvP Servers

Minecraft BoxPvP servers offer fast-paced PvP combat in confined, themed arenas. BoxPvP servers focus on close-quarter duels inside custom-designed boxes, where players must use strategic thinking to survive and defeat opponents. The available tools and equipment depend on the server’s unique settings, challenging players to adapt and refine their combat skills.


Server Statistics Tags
StormClush server icon

StormClush banner
#242  Turkey flag  |  StormClush
ONLINE Players: 0 / 20 1.16.5
0 / 20

/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ ONLINE 1.16.5
● Offline
TitanPvP server icon

TitanPvP banner
#250  United States flag  |  TitanPvP
OFFLINE Players: 0 / 0 1.21.1
0 / 0

/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ OFFLINE 1.21.1
Paper 1.21.1
Earth Mini-Games PvP Survival BoxPvP Network
WhoopRPVP server icon

WhoopRPVP banner
#262  Lithuania flag  |  WhoopRPVP
OFFLINE Players: 0 / 0 1.20.1
0 / 0

/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ OFFLINE 1.20.1
Spigot 1.21.4
Anarchy Hardcore KitPvP PvE PvP BoxPvP