Browse the Minecraft 1.12.2 Servers

Discover top Minecraft 1.12.2 servers for 2024! Browse our updated collection featuring hundreds of servers tailored for the 1.12.2 version. Before choosing, check that you're using the correct Minecraft version. You can easily switch versions with the Minecraft launcher, which defaults to the latest update. Find your new favorite server and start playing today!


Server Statistics Tags
MCWarfare server icon

MCWarfare banner
#126  United States flag  |  MCWarfare
ONLINE Players: 0 / 20 1.12.2
0 / 20

/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ ONLINE 1.12.2
Factions PvP Raiding Survival Modded Forge
1.8.8 1.8.9 1.12.2 1.16.4 1.16.5 1.18.2 1.19.2 1.19.3 1.19.4 1.20 1.20.1 1.20.2 1.20.4 1.20.5 1.20.6 1.21 1.21.1

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1 Minecraft 1.12.2 Servers